Permission secured for two new houses in the Forest of Dean in countryside location.

15 April 2024

MEP is delighted to have secured planning permission for two new houses on the edge of the village of Tibberton which falls within the jurisdiction of the Forest of Dean District Council (FODDC).

The approved scheme involved the demolition of the existing modern barn and the erection of two detached dwellinghouses. One of those dwellinghouses included the incorporation of an existing historic outbuilding into domestic use.

The site was the subject of a number of constraints including heritage assets, open countryside location and ecological interest on the site.

MEP instructed and led a team of consultants, including Richard Morris, Phil Warren, MHP Design and Luxton Architects and also worked closely with the FODDC.  MEP highlighted that as the Council was unable to demonstrate a five year housing land supply, the decision maker should no longer be bound by settlement boundaries but should consider whether the site is sustainably located and represents sustainable development.

Furthermore, MEP was able to highlight the principle in planning of the ‘fall-back’ position in terms of an extant permission on the site.

In relation to the heritage assets, MEP was able to demonstrate that the proposal would enhance the setting of the nearby grade II listed building.  In relation to landscape and design, the FODDC agreed with MEP’s argument that the proposal would enhance the  surrounding landscape and incorporated a high quality design.  

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