Planning permission and Listed Building Consent obtained for conversion of rural building to offices.

5 March 2024

The site, which is located in small village, forms part of a larger rural estate in the Cotswolds AONB.

The site comprises three buildings including a former beer store, an archway, and a smaller building to the rear. The site is located centrally within the village and is currently vacant.

Dating back from 1862, the industrial/agricultural character of the buildings  is reflected through the architectural form and features of the properties. This is distinct from many of the other buildings within the village which are domestic in character.

The buildings were in a poor state of repair having been vacant for some time and it was necessary to seek a viable use for the properties to ensure the longevity of the buildings.  

Members of the MEP team worked closely with architects Watson Bertram and Fell, heritage consultants from Pegasus and the conservation team at South Gloucestershire Council along with Glanville Environmental.  The consultant team managed to alleviate the LPA’s concerns by demonstrating the site was in Flood Zone 1, such that the development was allowed.

MEP and the consultant team were able to demonstrate that the minor, less than substantial harm to the significance of the Grade II Listed Old Beer Store through changes to its fabric and setting, at the low end of this spectrum of harm, was outweighed by the public benefits of the proposals, which included securing the optimum viable use of the site, the elements of the scheme that result in heritage benefits, social benefits and employment opportunities.

The approved scheme will allow for the sympathetic repairs and alterations to the fabric of the Grade II listed building so it can successfully function as an office space. The scheme represents a substantial investment in the core fabric of the listed building that will ensure its long-term maintenance and conservation.

The team also demonstrated that the proposed scheme would conserve and enhance the landscape character and special qualities of the AONB and provide opportunities for biodiversity improvements.

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